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Villa Matina

Put Primorja 7 23207, Sveti Filip i Jakov, Croatia
Fais une réservation

Description de l’hôtel

General terms and conditions for providing services to customers through the W-reservation website.

These terms and conditions refer to all of the services, provided by the website w-reservation. By accessing, browsing and using the website w-reservation, you confirm that you have read, understood and accepted the terms and the conditions listed below.

Providing the service

The website is a system for offering and booking of accommodation. When a reservation is verified through the website, you automatically enter into a contract with the hotel that you have chosen.  The website forwards your data to the relevant hotel as well as the confirmation of your reservation from the hotel to you. We do not have the responsibility for the reliability of the information and the data declared through the website from the relevant hotels. All of your objections, claims and/or recommendations should be addressed to the relevant hotel.

     2. Guarantee
We do not guarantee the quality of service and we do not recommend the hotels that are using our website. As an exception and in effort to provide you the most advantageous prices for any hotel, we have required and therefore the hotel has submitted us a declaration that the price offered by the hotel via the website is either the same or lower than the price offered by the hotel for equivalent accommodation for one night under the same terms and conditions for customers that have not made the reservation through the website, or tour operators or any other intermediaries  or any other reservation systems that the hotel is operating without the participation of the website. In case that you have already made a reservation through us and you find your desired accommodation on a lower price under the same terms and conditions in another website we are committed to force the hotel to restore you the difference in the price.

     3. Reservation. Protection and security of the information of your credit card. 
The reservation via the website is implemented by providing the data from your credit card to the hotel. The website forwards automatically the data from your credit card to the hotel. For protection and encryption the information from your credit card when forwarding it, we use highly reliable “Secure Socket Layer (SSL)” certificate.
In order to guarantee the reservation there is a possibility some of the hotels to demand blocking a particular amount of your credit card or a partial advanced payment. We will take all measures to demand from the hotel to announce in advance in the website all the additional conditions for completing the reservation.
With making the reservation you accept and agree with the listed from the hotel terms and conditions for cancelation of the reservation and the consequences of “No show” as well as all additional terms and conditions concerning the reservation. Please read carefully all the additional and particular terms that are required by the hotel regarding the reservations.

     4.Privacy of personal data.
We are responsible for the protection of the data you have provided regarding the reservation  in accordance with  the current legislation.

     5. Guests’ reviews
There is a possibility immediately after your stay at the hotel to receive an e-mail from us with a request to fill a form for guests’ reviews and evaluation of the hotel. The received reviews and evaluations can be published in the website with the purpose to inform future guests of the hotel for the quality and the level of services of the particular hotel.

     6. Additional details
These terms and conditions for providing services through the website are regulated and interpreted according to the Bulgarian legislative system.  In case of disputes arising from those terms and conditions, the last will refer to the Bulgarian jurisdiction.
The website W-reservation is maintained and managed by Mak Si Ltd. as a representative for Bulgaria with its registered office in Bulgaria, Varna, 1 Bacho Kiro str., office 1-3.


Distance de l’hôtel jusqu’à la plage: 250 m hôtels

Réservations et paiements

À la demande
En cas de disponibilité, l’hôtel confirmera votre réservation, par la suite, un employé de se mettra en contact avec vous pour préciser les détails. Comme garantie de votre réservation, Villa Matina conserve son droit de bloquer ou de retirer une somme de votre carte de crédit. Après vérification des détails, votre réservation sera confirmée par l’hôtel, dans un délai de 12 heures.

Politique de l’hôtel et politique d’annulation

Sortie: 10:00
Les animaux de compagnie NE SONT PAS ADMIS..
Enfants (2 - 12.99 ans) Tarif d’hébergement – vérifier le type de chambre.
Bébés: 0 Jusqu’à 1.99 Âge, restent gratuitement .



  • Climatisation
  • Balcon
  • Barbecue
  • Terrasse
  • Téléviseur
  • Fenêtres