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Villa Sirena

Morova ul. 6a, 6310, Izola, Slovenia
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Hotel description

Villa on the beach.


Distance to beach: 450 m

Reservation and payments

Upon request
Subject to availability of rooms, after the hotel confirms your booking specialist will contact you for clarification of details. As a guarantee for your reservation, Villa Sirena reserves the right to block or to withdraw an amount from your credit card. After that the booking will be confirmed by the hotel within 12 hours.

Hotel policy and cancellation policy

Check-in: 14:00
Check-out: 11:00
Pets are NOT allowed.
Children (2 - 12.99 years old) Accommodation price - check the room type.
Baby: 0 To 1.99 Years stays free of charge.



  • 24-Hour Front Desk
  • Air Conditioning
  • Balcony
  • Restaurant
  • TV
  • Windows